IP Awareness/Training programme under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission

An online IP Awareness/Training programme was held on December 6, 2022, for NSS College Pandalam faculty. Organized under the National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission (NIPAM), the event aimed to enhance understanding of intellectual property rights. The programme was conducted by the Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
Faculty Development Programme on Service Rules

IQAC, NSS College Pandalam, organized a Faculty Development Programme on Service Rules on 24 November 2022. Dr. R. Pragash, Deputy Director of Collegiate Education, Kottayam, led the interactive session. The program aimed to empower faculty members with essential knowledge for a successful academic career.
One Day Orientation Programme on Evaluation of Answer Scripts

NSS College Pandalam conducted a one-day orientation on answer script evaluation on 17/09/2022. The program, aimed at ensuring consistent and accurate assessment, provided participants with effective evaluation techniques and best practices. Dr. M. Vijayan Pillai, Syndicate member, University of Kerala, inaugurated the event and Prof. (Dr.) N. Gopakumar, Controller of Examinations, University of Kerala delivered the keynote address.
Training Programme for Administrative Staff on Office Management

On November 24, 2022, a training programme on 'Office Management' was conducted for administrative staff of NSS College Pandalam. Led by Dr. R. Pragash, Deputy Director of Collegiate Education, Kottayam, the session aimed to enhance skills in effective office management. The training provided participants with tools and techniques to improve office efficiency and create a productive work environment.