“Samathvam” - the divine nest
The physical or personal ailments and challenges of our DIVYANGAN are no more creating barriers within the campus. This nest of togetherness always tries its level best to ensure equality among our students and also to enable them to face the society with an ever loving smiling face with confidence. Samathvam, the Equal opportunity cell of our college focuses on the following aspects related to the students who hail from different social and familial backgrounds.
Samathvam works under the able patronship of the Principal and an internal committee, at the instruction from the department of Education was constituted for the smooth functioning of the programme, comprising Parents, Students, Non-Teaching Staff and the following teachers
Sri. Sree Prasad R. (Dept of English)
Dr. Vijayakumar S. (Dept of Physics)
Dr. Sreenath K. (Dept of Chemistry)
Dr. K. Mini (Dept of Malayalam)
Imparting knowledge to gain wisdom and to liberate the individual from all bondages to build a better world. The Bhagavat Gita Smriti. "Śreyo hi jñānamabhyāsāt (श्रेयो हि ज्ञानमभ्यासात्)" - Knowledge indeed is superior to constant practice - inscribed in the college emblem embodies the vision of the college.
Educate and illuminate the young generations to build a strong and progressive nation where the rich values and traditions are upheld.
This college is established for providing educational opportunities lo the young men and women of our country irrespective of their religion, caste or creed. The college aims to provide integral personality development oriented education and training, which will enable the students-
Through academic excellence, development of skills and character formation, the college hopes to produce committed and inspired young men and women with a holistic approach to life.
Pandalam, Pathanamthitta District - 689501, Kerala, India
Telephone: 04734-252240, 252221,
Email: nsscollegepandalam@gmail.com