Feedback is one of the most important and powerful influences on learning. For the inclusive growth of an institution, an effective feedback system from all the various stake holders is essential.
NSS College Pandalam recognizes this system as a means to measure the degree of success in meeting the objective of the course. The college goes a long way towards ensuring to meet the needs of our students, parents and other stake holders. It is a means of understanding and analyzing how effective the measures adopted by the college are and the immediate changes that need to be incorporated.
Feedback Collection Process from the Stakeholders
To get an overall idea on the syllabi of various courses offered by the university, the college maintains an institutional level feedback system. Every year, feedback on curriculum is collected from final year students as they have an overall idea of the curriculum. Feedback was collected from different stakeholders like students, teachers, parents and alumni.
Feedback is collected from the parents, during PTA meetings; from alumni during alumni meet; from the outgoing students on the completion of their course, and from the teachers, about the effectiveness of the course and the curriculum and the matters related to that. The course content and its depth, coverage, applicability, learning value, clarity and relevance are all thus evaluated.
Feedback Analysis
The data collected by the IQAC has been sorted and consolidated for drafting the analysis report. The analysis is done year wise as well as parameter wise. The aspects pointed out by all the stakeholders are considered with special care and attention. The teachers discuss and evaluate the suggestions received from different spheres regarding the curriculum.
Follow Up
The suggestions are consolidated to communicate to the Board of Studies through the teachers who are members of various Boards of Studies and Syllabus Revision Committees, and those who participated in the Syllabus Revision Workshops conducted by the University.
Imparting knowledge to gain wisdom and to liberate the individual from all bondages to build a better world. The Bhagavat Gita Smriti. "Śreyo hi jñānamabhyāsāt (श्रेयो हि ज्ञानमभ्यासात्)" - Knowledge indeed is superior to constant practice - inscribed in the college emblem embodies the vision of the college.
Educate and illuminate the young generations to build a strong and progressive nation where the rich values and traditions are upheld.
This college is established for providing educational opportunities to the young men and women of our country irrespective of their religion, caste or creed. The college aims to provide integral personality development oriented education and training, which will enable the students-
Through academic excellence, development of skills and character formation, the college hopes to produce committed and inspired young men and women with a holistic approach to life.
Pandalam, Pathanamthitta District - 689501, Kerala, India
Telephone: 04734-252240, 252221,