Nair Service Society, a social organization registered under the Indian Companies Act has its Head quarters at Changanacherry. The Secretary, College Central Committee, a division of the N.S.S, is the organizational head of the higher education institutions managed by the N.S.S. The rights to appoint the staff, to transfer them and to initiate disciplinary proceedings are vested in the Secretary. The Principal acts as the central coordinating agency who links the management, the staff, the students, the University and the Government. There is a general academic committee to formulate the annual academic calendar in accordance with the university calendar issued every year. The committee supervises all curricular, co-curricular and extra curricular activities in the campus. The Principal who is the chief executive is being assisted by the college council which is an advisory body. The annual performance appraisal of both teaching and non-teaching staff is made by the Principal. Staff development programmes are being carried out by the Principal with the help and concurrence of the management. The tuition fee, examination fee, etc which are the main source of finance are being collected and deposited in the University and Government funds strictly in accordance with the rules laid down in this regard. The PTA fund collected at the time of admission is being spent for the welfare of the students during their course. All the financial transactions done by the college are subjected to internal auditing by the management and external auditing by the concerned government bodies.
Dr. M. Sasikumar
Sri. G. Sukumaran Nair
General Secretary
Prof. (Dr.) Sujatha.S
NSS Colleges’ Central Committee Secretary & Corporate Manager
Website: Nair Service Society
Imparting knowledge to gain wisdom and to liberate the individual from all bondages to build a better world. The Bhagavat Gita Smriti. "Śreyo hi jñānamabhyāsāt (श्रेयो हि ज्ञानमभ्यासात्)" - Knowledge indeed is superior to constant practice - inscribed in the college emblem embodies the vision of the college.
Educate and illuminate the young generations to build a strong and progressive nation where the rich values and traditions are upheld.
This college is established for providing educational opportunities to the young men and women of our country irrespective of their religion, caste or creed. The college aims to provide integral personality development oriented education and training, which will enable the students-
Through academic excellence, development of skills and character formation, the college hopes to produce committed and inspired young men and women with a holistic approach to life.
Pandalam, Pathanamthitta District - 689501, Kerala, India
Telephone: 04734-252240, 252221,