Digital Garden is an initiative of the P.G. and Research Department of Botany which aims to spread the message to non-Botanists of loving and protecting trees by knowing the importance of each of them.
It is the urgent need of the hour to do green auditing every year to enumerate, classify and protect the plants in our surroundings. On behalf of Digital India Programme, a few Government institutions in the Country transformed the data of plants in the digital form. From this idea, a team of teachers and students of Botany Department conducted a green auditing in 2019 and decided to record the data in the soft accessible form to the students and public easily. We developed a QR coding system for each of the tree and shrub species in the Campus. The detailed information on each plant is set in each of the QR code fixed on it. By scanning the QR code using a mobile phone anybody can access detailed information on each tree species in the Campus. The Digital Garden of our College is the first of its kind in the District with complete information available in our College website.
Moreover, we have developed a map of the campus with location of the trees. This information is available in the website. When a person scans the QR code, he/she will be directed to the College website; from there the trees can be easily located using the map. Software is under development to know the frequency of scanning of QR code. Therefore, those teachers in charge can take the statistics of the number of persons who scanned the code to learn the plant. Separate data registers are maintained in Botany Department for analysis and future planning.
The college campus has a diverse variety of tree species belonging to 30 different plant families. Among them, two are endangered and two are vulnerable as per IUCN Red data book. Utmost care and protection is given to such plants.
The team of Faculty in charge of Digital Garden:
Imparting knowledge to gain wisdom and to liberate the individual from all bondages to build a better world. The Bhagavat Gita Smriti. "Sreyohi Njanam Abhyasath" - Knowledge indeed is superior to constant practice - inscribed in the college emblem embodies the vision of the college.
Educate and illuminate the young generations to build a strong and progressive nation where the rich values and traditions are upheld.
This college is established for providing educational opportunities lo the young men and women of our country irrespective of their religion, caste or creed. The college aims to provide integral personality development oriented education and training, which will enable the students-
Through academic excellence, development of skills and character formation, the college hopes to produce committed and inspired young men and women with a holistic approach to life.
Pandalam, Pathanamthitta District - 689501, Kerala, India
Telephone: 04734-252240, 252221,